How To Find Lost Xiaomi Scooter? (Must Know This)

As more people become open to scooters, these eco-friendly, convenient vehicles become more susceptible to theft.

Sometimes, it may not be theft. You may have parked wrongly, and a law enforcement agent has confiscated your scooter.

Whatever the case, it is disorienting to come out of a shopping mall or library and not find your scooter where you are sure you left it.

If your Xiaomi scooter is misplaced and not stolen, your best bet would be to use the Bluetooth function. This feature connects to your Xiaomi Home App and acts as a locator in proximity. Additionally, it is best to install a tracking device. When you confirm it was a theft, report the case to the authorities. 

This article will explain what to do when your Xiaomi scooter is lost and how to find it. We will also delve into the issue of trackers on these scooters.

How Do You Find Your Lost Xiaomi Scooter?

How To Find Lost Xiaomi Scooter

Realizing that your Xiaomi scooter is missing can cause you to panic.

However, before you let anxiety and rage take over, here are some steps to help you find the scooter.

#1. Keep Calm & Retrace Your Steps

It may seem redundant, but the first thing to do is to retrace your steps to the last place you left the scooter.

It is common for people to forget the exact spot where they left their scooter. Alternatively, it is possible that someone else moved it because you parked wrong.

#2. Use Your Bluetooth Connection

As you retrace your steps and look around, use the Bluetooth connection to find the scooter.

Xiaomi scooters come with Bluetooth features that interface with the Xiaomi Home App.

This feature is beneficial when you suspect the scooter is nearby but cannot recall where you parked it.

The applicable range for this connection is between 10 to 20 meters. Therefore, if the scooter is nearby, it will appear on the app and help you pinpoint its current location.

#3. Contact Nearby Security

When you cannot find the scooter with the Xiaomi Home App Bluetooth connection, report the case of the missing scooter to nearby security.

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This step is vital in shopping malls, libraries, or apartment complexes. In these places, human traffic levels are high, and the security personnel may see your vehicle as an obstruction.

Check with these personnel usually yield positive results, especially if you are in a place with low crime rates.

#4. Check Surveillance Footage

In most public areas in urban areas, CCTV cameras are invaluable in times like these.

If you leave your scooter in a place like this, politely request to see the footage. Your focus should be between when you left the scooter and when you returned for it.

If your scooter is in clear view, you will get helpful insights about its whereabouts to know if it was stolen or not.

#5. File a Police Report

If you still have not found the scooter, the next step is to file a report at the nearest police station.

Most times, it is possible that someone had found the scooter and taken it to the station.

If it is not among the recovered items, the police will watch during patrols to find your scooter.

#6. Community Platforms & Frequent Checks

In the meantime, you can post pictures of your scooter on local community boards. You can include descriptive information and the last known location of the posters.

You should also check online marketplaces like Craigslist and eBay. If your Xiaomi was stolen, the thief may want to sell it.

However difficult it may seem, it is best to approach the issue calmly, especially when you are not in an area prone to vices like theft.

Do Xiaomi Scooters Have In-Built Trackers? 

Xiaomi scooters do not come with in-built GPS trackers. While this may be surprising, there are some reasons behind this decision.

Embedding a GPS in a Xiaomi scooter would increase production costs and lead to price hikes.

These tracking systems can also cause a significant drain on the battery. In the long run, continuous use of the systems will affect the scooter’s range and overall performance.

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Furthermore, some customers may be uncomfortable with the idea of having their movements monitored.

What Xiaomi scooters have instead is a Bluetooth feature. Primarily, this feature connects with the Home App to give you diagnostics and performance metrics.

But as a basic tracking system, this feature works within 10-20 meters and helps you locate your scooter if it is in the vicinity.

What To Do if Your Electric Scooter Is Lost 

If your electric scooter is lost, the first step is to calmly check your environs, in case you misremember where you packed it.

Then, try using your Bluetooth and inform the authorities. You can put up posters in the neighborhood where your scooter went missing.

Despite these measures, being proactive and reducing the chances of your scooter getting stolen is more profitable.

Below are some proactive strategies you can take to ensure your electric scooter remains safely in your possession.

#1. Take Your Scooter In

If you know you will be a while at this location, the best thing is to ask for permission to take your scooter into the building.

This way, your scooter is always in sight, and you have no fear of it disappearing while you are not looking.

#2. Invest in Locking Mechanisms

Invest in a locking system if you cannot take your scooter in. Typically, scooters do not come with built-in locks. So, you will need to buy an electric scooter lock.

Some people like to lock only the scooter’s wheels. However, it is best to lock the scooter to a fixed object.

If you live in an area with high crime rates, invest in two locks to be safe.

#3. Customize Your Scooter

It is easier to steal an unmarked scooter that looks like everyone else. So, use stickers, engravings, and paints to customize your scooter.

Doing this will make it challenging for the thief to sell the scooter and deter him from stealing it.

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#4. Avoid Routine

If you use your scooter to commute regularly, it is best to avoid parking in the same spot daily. Parking in the same spot may seem the best way to avoid theft.

But predictability makes you susceptible t to the risk of planned theft.

#5. Get Insurance

Insurance companies are beginning to offer packages that cover electric scooters.

While this will not prevent theft, it provides a safety net in case you cannot find your scooter if it goes missing.

#6. Install a GPS Tracker

Like with the insurance plan, a GPS tracker does not prevent theft. However, it can significantly increase your chances of recovering your scooter if it is missing.

The safety of your scooter lies mainly in the preventive measures you practice.

Below is a table showing preventive measures and steps to take if your scooter gets missing/stolen.

Preventive MeasuresRecovery Measures
Take Your Scooter IndoorsRetrace Your Steps
Invest in locking mechanismsUse Bluetooth connection
Customize your scooterContact nearby security
Avoid RoutinesCheck surveillance footages
Get InsuranceFile police report
Install a GPS trackerCommunity platforms and frequent checks

Can You Put a Tracker on a Xiaomi Scooter?

You can and should put a tracker on your Xiaomi scooter, especially if you live in an area prone to robberies.

There are different types of GPS trackers in the market. Each one boasts of a specific feature – from compact designs to the capability to extend battery life.

The perfect tracker should be waterproof, have good battery longevity, and be discreet enough to avoid notice.

By checking these requirements, you increase your chances of maintaining your scooter’s efficiency and safety.

After purchasing the tracker, choose a good spot to install it. You can install it under the foot deck or inside the battery compartment.

Though installing the tracker in the battery compartment is more discreet, it will be challenging to maneuver because of space limitations.

After the physical installation, set up the tracker on your smartphone with the companion app.

If your tracker has a different battery, ensure you monitor the life span and capacity.

This check will update you on its function and let you know when it is due for a replacement.

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